Background of SPACES

SPACES, the Society for Public Architecture, Construction, Engineering and Surveying is a multi-disciplinary organisation from the merger of the Society of Construction and Architecture for Local Authorities (SCALA), the Society of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (SCEME) and The Chief Building Surveyors Society (CBSS). A combined history of over 150 years.

SPACES is a collaborative organisation for those in the building professions working in and for the public sector and is committed to assisting its members in achieving the highest possible standards in the development, design, construction and management of the public sector estate for the mutual benefit of their employers.

The members of SPACES are responsible for delivering public sector construction projects and/or maintaining public sector buildings with a combined annual spend of around £20 billion.

Our USP – By focusing on outcomes, rather than our professions, we bring together everyone across the UK construction industry into one society. Membership is open to all those working in both the private and public sector including clients, consultants, architects, engineers, surveyors, contractors, project managers, the civil service and academics.

We promote collaborative working, knowledge sharing, continuous improvement and best practice to support our members deliver best value, safe, sustainable low/zero carbon solutions for the public sector.

You can apply for membership here.

Membership is FREE* for all of those working in Local or Central Government (with a email address).

Membership benefits include

  • Bringing public and private sector together to improve outcomes and efficiencies.
  • Providing a safe environment to share ideas and experiences.
  • Promoting continuous improvement by learning from each other.
  • Influencing and commenting on national policy and representing SPACES on national committees of institutions.
  • Visiting public funded buildings around the UK
  • Priority and reduced rates for booking tickets to SPACES events.

* If you work in the public sector and don’t have a address (e.g. blue light services) contact us with your details for your free membership.