Winner – Elms Field Regeneration, Nominated by Wokingham Borough Council
This is the second phase of Wokingham’s ambitious town centre regeneration scheme that has seen the redevelopment of a vacant 1960’s office block, car park and underused open space with a high quality mixed use development comprising 126 new homes, shops, restaurants and leisure facilities.
Despite initial public opposition, Elms Field has been embraced by the community, proving hugely popular and is bringing people to the town centre from further afield.
The judges felt that Elms Field project was a powerful example of the wide ranging benefits a successful urban regeneration is bringing to the Market Town of Wokingham.
Client: Wokingham Borough Council
Architect: Benoy
Engineer: McLaughlin & Harvey
Surveyor: Wilson Bowden Developments
Contractor: McLaughlin & Harvey
Project Manager: Wokingham Borough Council
Value: £51m
Runner-up – Dudley House, Nominated by Willmott Dixon
Formally a tower block converted into a new mixed use development scheme, comprising a 4 form entry secondary school, a Church, retail offerings and 197 modern flats for social and key worker housing.
Client: Westminster City Council
Architect: Child Graddon Lewis (CGL) Architects
Contractor: Willmott Dixon
Value: £85m