News at SPACES

Civic Building of the Year Awards 2015

The joint winners of the Civic Building of the Year Award were: Redcar and Cleveland Community Heart (Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council),  and Manchester Central Library (Manchester City Council). The winners of the categories were: Residential – Lydia Eva Court, Great Yarmouth (Norse Care Ltd) Small Project – Tower Wood Outdoor Education Centre (Lancashire County Council) […]

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Engineering Technical Meeting – 22nd September 2015

On the 22nd September, Richard Daniels, Education Funding Agency gave an overview of the Facilities Output Specification requirements and some of the heating and ventilation solutions seen in the Priority Schools Building Programme. You can download a copy of his Presentation and radiant panel calculator that was referenced. This was followed by a presentation from Paul Dunn, ACIVCO […]

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Robert Firth, RSAW President

Robert Firth, President of RSAW (Royal Society of Architects in Wales) is attending the President Dinner and Civic Building of the Year being held on Friday 6th November . For further information on the events, please see our website.

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President’s dinner and CBOY Awards 2016

There are a limited number of hotel rooms remaining from our reservation. Hotel rooms can be booked direct with the hotel at a preferential rate of £109.00 single and £119.00 double (inc Breakfast). Please book asap to guarantee a room.

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Federation of Property Societies (FPS)

At the last meeting of FPS there was a resolution to close FPS (FPS membership included SPACES, ACES, SCQS, CLAW and CoProp) . This was carried and the society will cease from 5th April 2016. Further information will follow. A history of FPS can be found here.

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CBSS Meetings

Two new CBSS meetings have been added to the events page. Friday 2nd October – Thames and Central, Leicestershire Friday 13th October – Hampshire

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Architectural Tour – Denmark and Sweden

Thursday 24th and Friday 25th September, Denmark and Sweden From BSF to PSBP: What makes for good school design and what can’t we afford to design out? Join like-minded professionals from the education design sector for a Scandinavian architectural tour, featuring the renowned Hellerup School. For further information, please download the flyer or email Shane Cryer. […]

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