Study Day 2018 – Collaboration, Manchester

The Study Day 2018 will be held on Friday 15th June (Pre Study Day dinner and networking – Thursday 14th June)

Hosted by Mike Shaw, President of SPACES and Professor Tom Jefferies, Head of Manchester School of Architecture at the Manchester School of Architecture.

After last year’s extremely successful sell out event, this year’s study day theme is ‘Collaboration in the Public Sector’. Throughout the day we will explore the relevance and importance of ‘Collaborative Working’ and how it enables all parties involved on a project to efficiently and effectively deliver client outcomes, including value for money. Supported by key speakers/organisations and case studies, the day will explore the theme from different perspectives.

The day before there will be a tour of a local building, followed by networking and dinner at the Whitworth Gallery.

Further information is available here.

Confirmed sponsors are Atkins, Bryden Wood, Faithful+Gould, Mace, Pick Everard and Willmott Dixon